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1083 Madeleine Longoria Garcia - Deep Cracks in the Coffee Industry - The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward

The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by MAP IT FORWARD


Episode Insights

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- The coffee industry's current business model is unsustainable, rooted in colonialist practices that marginalize producers for the benefit of a few, emphasizing the need for reevaluation and ethical decision-making.

- Colonialism’s legacy in coffee led to an exploitative system where the industry was built on the forced labor and resources of colonized people, often leading to environmental and social degradation.

- Industry discomfort and guilt are emerging as stakeholders recognize issues of exploitation and inequality within the coffee supply chain, prompting necessary discussions on systemic changes.

- The pursuit of cheaper coffee—termed the "race to the bottom"—threatens the sustainability of the coffee industry by undermining the livelihoods of growers, processors, and roasters, and eroding business ethics.

- Advocates call for coffee producers to resist selling their coffee at unsustainably low prices, encouraging them to stand firm on pricing to help educate consumers and establish a fairer market.

- The podcast stresses the importance of empathy and responsibility among coffee business owners, advocating for an industry shift towards ethical practices that consider the well-being of all stakeholders.

- Education on the historical impacts of colonialism on the coffee industry is seen as a critical component for driving forward sustainable and equitable business practices.

- The conversation highlights the need for a new approach to coffee business that focuses on long-term viability and fair compensation, rather than short-term profits that continue harmful legacy practices.

- By prioritizing relationships, consumer education, and fair pricing, business owners can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable coffee industry, moving away from exploitative practices ingrained from its colonial past.

- The episode lays groundwork for future discussions on paying above the cost of production, indicating an ongoing series commitment to exploring and addressing deep-rooted issues in the coffee industry.